About this website

This help site is written in Github-flavored markdown and built and deployed using MkDocs. Read this section if you are responsible for writing and updating this content.


The help content is located under /docs in the root directory.

Table of Contents

The structure of the website is determined by the mkdocs.yml file, which is located in the root directory. This file contains information about the website, lists extensions to use when deploying the website, and specifies the TOC.


On Github, or if you run git branch, you'll notice that there is a branch called gh-pages.

Do not touch this branch.

MkDocs uses this branch to convert the markdown files to html pages, builds a site map and index, and to deploy the site. You do not need to merge anything to this branch, you do not need to pull this branch, etc.

Just leave it alone.

Local build

As you develop new documentation, you can run the build locally to see the changes immediately.

From the root directory, run the following command:

mkdocs serve

The website runs locally on

If 8000 is busy, you can specify a port number in the yml file. Add the following line below the


Deploy the website

The website is built from the gh-pages branch.


Do not make changes to the gh-pages branch!

To deploy the website, do the following.

  1. Checkout master branch.
  2. Make sure any changes are pushed to the master branch.
  3. Run mkdocs gh-pages to rebuild the site.
  4. The page is deployed to: https://<git-space>.github.io/<name-of-repo>/, unless you specify a unique url in the github settings.


You do not need to merge master with gh-pages.