Set up Artifactory


  1. Log into Okta > Artifactory.

  2. Click your trigram in the top right-hand corner.

  3. Under Authentication Settings, generate API key.

    Copy this key to the clip board.

You will now need to follow the credential manager procedure below.

Credential manager

Artifactory credentials are stored in the Windows Credential Manager, and git uses this to send the API call to Artifactory when you run git push.

  1. Go to Control Panel > User Accounts > Credential Manager

  2. Under generic credentials, you might see a URL that contains jfrog.

    Delete this credential.

  3. Add a new generic credential.

    1. URL:

    2. Username: your trigram

    3. Password: the API key you copied from Artifactory (not your Qlik password).

    4. Save and close.