Git History

Use Git Bash to explore your git history.

The git graph

The git graph is the ASCII version of a git GUI, like Git Extensions.

Here are some important commands:

command argument description
git log -- Prints out the commit history in a list.
--graph Prints an ASCII graph
--decorate Shows the positional references: HEAD, branch
--oneline Formats log to single line


Show a commit

Use Git Bash to explore the contents of a commit.

Here are some important commands:

command argument description
git show <something> -- Prints out info about a commit
<sha1> Show the commit referenced by the SHA1
<branch> Shows the commit that the branch is pointing to
HEAD Shows the commit that the HEAD is pointing to

In the image in the previous section, HEAD and feature/HLP-3162 and cc67576a all point to the same commit.

The following commands print the same results to the terminal:

git show HEAD
git show `feature/HLP-3162`
git show `cc67576a`

commit cc67576a7142c77d3969666cf277ecdf741c8273 (HEAD -> feature/HLP-3162)
Author: kyleweishaar <>
Date:   Tue Jul 3 11:59:56 2018 -0400

    save all

diff --git a/Project/Targets/Sense_Hub/dev_share_scripting.fltar b/Project/Targets/Sense_Hub/dev_share_scripting.fltar
index 39644002..423cb586 100644
--- a/Project/Targets/Sense_Hub/dev_share_scripting.fltar
+++ b/Project/Targets/Sense_Hub/dev_share_scripting.fltar
@@ -5,10 +5,16 @@
-  MasterToc="/Project/TOCs/Sense_Hub/ScriptingModule.fltoc">
+  MasterToc="/Project/TOCs/Sense_Hub/ScriptingModule.fltoc"
+  OutputFolder="C:\git\content-share">
     GenerateGlossaryProxy="true" />
+  <Destinations>
+    <Destination
+      Link="/Project/Destinations/git_hub.fldes"
+      Publish="true" />
+  </Destinations>
\ No newline at end of file

Above, you can see the modified files and their changes that are associated with this commit.

How can we target a commit that is not the HEAD or a commit that is not pointed to by a branch?

You can use the sha1 number, but this can be annoying to find and copy.

You can also specify the distance from the HEAD. Say I want to target commit B, C or G.

HEAD||feature/HLP-3162      A cc67576a
                            B cd64321a
                            C ed69576a
                          / D kl67876a
                0q60006a G  |
                            E ll63576a
  • Target B = git show HEAD~1 OR git show HEAD^

    Go to HEAD, and then go down 1 commit.

  • Target C = git show HEAD~2 OR git show HEAD^^

    Go to HEAD, and then go down 2 commits.

  • Target G = git show HEAD~2^2

    Go to HEAD, and then go down 2 commits, and then pick the second parent of that commit.

Find the source of each line

Blame is a git command that shows you the line-by-line additions to a file.

Here are some important commands:

command argument description
git blame <something> -- Prints out info about a commit
<path/to/file> Shows the file line-by-line.
/c/git/git-site (master)
$ git blame mkdocs.yml


^bc3dcf1 (kyleweishaar 2018-06-19 14:39:49 -0400 17) markdown_extensions:
^bc3dcf1 (kyleweishaar 2018-06-19 14:39:49 -0400 18)   - admonition
^bc3dcf1 (kyleweishaar 2018-06-19 14:39:49 -0400 21)   - pymdownx.superfences
699f4be6 (kyleweishaar 2018-06-19 15:26:03 -0400 22)   - toc:
699f4be6 (kyleweishaar 2018-06-19 15:26:03 -0400 23)       permalink: true


^bc3dcf1 (kyleweishaar 2018-06-19 14:39:49 -0400 26)   - Moving to Git:


cdfac27b (kyleweishaar 2018-07-06 09:03:20 -0400 31)     - Install Meld:
^bc3dcf1 (kyleweishaar 2018-06-19 14:39:49 -0400 32)   - Learn the Basics:

In the terminal, I can see the lines enumerated on the right, the SHA1 on the left, and in between, the author of the change the modification.

The ^ beside the SHA1 indicates that the line was added at the first first. SHA1 numbers without the ^ means they were added later.

Comparing commits

Use git diff to compare two commits.

Here are some important commands:

command argument description
git diff HEAD HEAD~2 -- Prints out the diff between the current commit and the commit 2 commits below the HEAD.
git diff <branch> <branch1> -- Prints out the diff between tips of two branches.


Want to know if you need to rebase?

The following command returned all of the commits that are on daily but not on my bug/hlp-3288 branch.

/c/git/help-documentation (bug/hlp-3288) $ git log bug/hlp-3288..daily --oneline 32463c3c (origin/daily, daily) Merge branch 'cleanup2/Dan' into daily a741f376 Fix another capitalization issue plus change "which" to "that" 7c33c9a5 Merge branch 'cleanup2/Dan' into daily 8699c385 Fix "id" capitalization issues 08ddae9a Merge branch 'kio/feature/HLP-3113' into daily 2aae7670 Added FT and edited documents for updcoming Insight Advisor features 39ec0c36 Merge branch 'improvement/hlp-2792' into daily d1091761 Merge branch 'epic/HLP-2326' into daily 8fcb8ada Updated resource filter topic 7f901344 added Ruggero's comments and prepared for tech+peer review 2999a89a Merge branch 'improvement/hlp-2792' into daily 14897a4d Fixed links (?) f2e38ea0 Merge branch 'hlp-3316' into daily c602b467 accessibility, links tables and images 725638e5 Merge branch 'improvement/hlp-2792' into daily 0631b375 Fixed broken links in certificates topics. 57378fbb Merge branch 'QABDI_rnt' into daily c2f16ee8 Adding SSH to deployment baf94433 Merge branch 'cleanup2/Dan' into daily 166d5956 Delete unused <ul> tag 59f86cc0 Clean up capitalization and incomplete steps 824b7199 Merge branch 'improvement/hlp-2792' into daily 571d0ae3 HLP-2792 (certificates) 6be876ef Merge branch 'hlp-2587' into daily

If I rebased daily onto my bug branch then these are the commits that I will get.

More on git log

Here are some important commands:

command argument description
git log -- Prints out the commit history in a list.
--patch Prints a detailed diff for each commit in the log.
--grep <string> Filters the log to show only commits that contain the string
-n Shows the log for n commits back.